Margaret Murphy from TerraChem gives some advice on controlling weeds in beet amidst the current dry spell.

Up to now beet crops should have received a T1 herbicide application and are ready for the T2 application.

Conventional T2:

  • Debut – 30g/ha;
  • Betanal MaxxPro – 0.75L/ha;
  • Goltix – 0.5L/ha;
  • Venzar – 0.4L/ha;
  • Super Rapeeze Oil – 0.5L/ha.

Beet herbicides perform best in damp conditions so if rain is due it might be worth applying the T2 application when the ground is moist.


Delayed herbicide application

Although not ideal, some crops may not yet have received their T1 herbicide. This may mean a large amount of strong weeds need to be tackled. Therefore, higher rates of Betanal MaxxPro and Goltix will be needed as outlined below.

Late T1 application:

  • Betanal MaxxPro – 1L/ha;
  • Goltix – 1L/ha.

Late herbicide applications should be avoided where possible as these high rates can be hard on the beet. The best control of weeds is carried out when they are at the cotyledon stage.